Saturday, May 15, 2010

Vintage Find

I visited Metalliferous Inc. - midtown Manhattan, yesterday. While there I saw a 'clearance' pile, where they were freeing up their clutter. So I decided to make some of it my clutter - at least until I get my creativity juices flowing.

I am considering making chunky rings with these vintage elements. Did you see the date in the bottom right hand corner? It stated 1974. What were you doing in 1974?

Tuesday May 25, I just posted two rings from this collection on my etsy shop Claycass


debbi@yankeeburrowcreations said...

hmmmm...1974....I don't think I can remember that far back. LOL. That was pre-kids :). In 1974 I was in 9th grade at Hoover Middle school in Kenmore NY.

Anonymous said...

love the idea! love chunky rings!